Sunday, November 9, 2008

My Room Smells Like a Pineapple

Meet my pet pineapple, Wilson. I bought him from a man with a cart along the malecon yesterday while I was walking for about 5 hours from Boca del Rio. I carried him the whole way. Wilson is good company. This is Wilson getting some sun and enjoying the sights and Gulf breezes.

Wilson wants you to know that Copenhagen is not the only place that has a Little Mermaid. You can't see it in the picture, but Wilson is sticking his tongue out at Maren.

I wanted Wilson to be in this picture too, but he left -- I found him later, drinking a pina colada under one of those cabana things on the beach. I didn't have the heart to tell him one of his relations was pulverized in it.

Linda going into a papeleria (paper store) in town.

Me and John at the famous Gran Cafe de la Parroquia, where the lecheros (cafe con leche) are made by a guy coming around and pouring hot milk into your glass from a foot or more above the glass, which already contains a couple fingers-full of very strong coffee.

Typical beach scene on the weekend, with the lighthouse in the background.

A statue I really like. The inscription reads that he holds in his hand the Pearl of Life, and brings with him the hope for a new city -- he teaches us that men can be like the sea: gentle, impetuous, and at the same time, immense.

Back at the cafe, where we had breakfast this morning. These men are playing a traditional kind of music from this area, the name of which escapes me at the moment, which features a harp and two small, 8-string guitars.

Where the river meets the Gulf in Boca del Rio. ("Mouth of the River")

Just some colorful houses I liked.

Guys playing football on the beach. There is no day they aren't playing football on the beach!

This is Roxane and Wilson, signing off for now!

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