The picture below was taken in the "Mercado", a huge block full of different types of stores, bustling with people and music and anything anyone could possibly want to buy. Also lots of useless trinkets, as you may well imagine. But I LOVE that place!
This was one of the many butcher shops there. Just had to take a picture of all that meat.
This picture was taken in the almost unbearably picturesque town of Boca del Rio ("Mouth of the River") which is a small town a short bus ride away. Utterly charming place -- I intend to go there tommorrow to spend the day, as there are a lot of activities on Sundays worth seeing. This was just a restaurant I liked the looks of, the thatched roof and all. The type of bike/cart the guy is on with the kid in front is everywhere, for selling things, transporting things. Very handy, I must say!
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